Everything is new for startups. No matter how impactful, these companies need to be extra careful and calculative to build their future in the cut-throat competitive market. Credibility among customers becomes an integral part of the business and being new gives you fewer options. So how do you get noticed in a population of billions?...

Till as early as February, businesses across India were aggressively planning long term strategies for expansion, growth and diversification. Others were looking at ways to find newer consumer bases abroad and making active hiring decisions. However, in a matter of weeks, the situation has changed dramatically with uncertainty and anxiety clouding the economy in the...

When India first encountered the threat of HIV/AIDS in the late 1980s, health experts were highly concerned about the potential of the spread of this deadly virus in a poorly-aware, densely-populated country like India. Doomsday predictors foresaw India to be the next Africa where HIV/AIDS had already assumed epidemic proportions. However, three decades later, a...

The roles that marketing, advertising and public relations play in building a brand image are often intertwined and overlap with each other. So much so, that many people often fail to distinguish between these dimensions or do not realize the different purposes they achieve. However, if you are looking to build a brand image, you...